You Deserve The Career & Life of Your Dreams.

Founder | Lead Coach

Meet Kristen Perkins

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here. I am a wife, a mother of three little ones, an entrepreneur, and a clinical operations leader located in Greater Boston. Throughout my 16+ year career, I have developed high impact clinical operations skills which have translated to career growth and feeling valued.

From my first clinical operations role as a Research Assistant to now as a Senior Director of Clinical Operations, I have over 5x my salary, received several promotions, and have designed a work life that is fulfilling and that I look forward to every day. After years of colleagues pointing out my talents and style for getting trial results, I realized that everything I do is teachable and possible for anyone who has a clear vision and consistent work ethic. I am passionate about helping Clinical Trial Managers unearth a new level of success that they didn’t know was possible.

I’ve developed a variety of content and programs to provide you with everything I wish I had earlier in my career that isn’t taught anywhere else. If you’re ready to become a high-performing CTM and have a lot of fun along the way, I would love to support you!

FREE Masterclass COMING soon


More details to follow.

Join current and aspiring Clinical Trial Managers in this free virtual Masterclass as we go behind the scenes of the top clinical trial management skills to master to develop subject matter expertise and lead your trials successfully.